get more tiktok views and traffic

How to Get More Views on TikTok? Unlock TikTok's Traffic Distribution Rules(2023)

· 9 min read

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In today's digital age, TikTok stands out as the world's leading short-video platform. Every content creator on this platform aims for one thing: views. But what exactly constitutes a "view" on TikTok? Simply put, it's the number of times users watch a video on the platform. Every time someone clicks and watches your video, the view count ticks up. But why do some videos garner millions of views while others barely scratch the surface? The answer lies in TikTok's intricate traffic distribution rules.

Unlike other content platforms, TikTok boasts an advanced traffic distribution system. The platform automatically tags each piece of content and creates a user profile. Through a sophisticated algorithm, TikTok matches content with users. This system is so effective that many find themselves endlessly scrolling through the app. Yes, it's that addictive!


Join me, James Anderson, as we delve deep into how TikTok distributes traffic and how you can harness this free traffic for your content.

Decoding the Process Post TikTok Video Upload

Machine Detection Post Video Upload

First and foremost, TikTok employs machine learning to scan videos, ensuring they adhere to community guidelines. This includes scrutinizing the video's cover, clips, and audio. If a video is flagged for violating these guidelines, it's either removed or set to private.

Content Duplication Check

Next, TikTok checks for content originality. Videos perceived as "reuploads" might face traffic restrictions or might only be recommended to existing followers.

Initial Traffic Recommendation for Videos

If a video is deemed original, TikTok introduces it to an initial audience, typically ranging from 200-500 viewers. This is the first step in gaining traction. If the video performs well at this stage, it's showcased to a broader audience.

Unraveling TikTok's Multi-tiered Traffic Pool Distribution

TikTok employs a multi-tiered traffic pool for video recommendations. This means a video is first shown to a small group of viewers. Based on their feedback, it might then be recommended to a larger audience.


Defining the First, Second, and Third Traffic Pools

In the first traffic pool, videos are typically shown to 200-500 viewers. If these viewers engage positively, the video moves to the second traffic pool, potentially garnering up to 2,000 views. Continued positive engagement propels the video to the third traffic pool, where it might amass 5,000 or more views.

Key Metrics for Short Videos on TikTok

Success on TikTok largely hinges on several pivotal metrics:

  • Views: The most straightforward metric indicating how many times a video was watched.
  • Likes: Direct feedback on content quality.
  • Comments: Reflecting viewer engagement and the video's ability to spark discussions.
  • Shares: Indicating the video's appeal and its potential to resonate with a broader audience.
  • Completion Rate: Demonstrating the percentage of viewers who watched the video in its entirety.
  • Engagement Rate: Calculated as the sum of likes, comments, and shares relative to the number of views.

Harnessing Global Traffic Based on Content

TikTok's algorithm tags videos based on their content and the profile of the account. For instance, if a video revolves around Southeast Asian culture, it's tagged accordingly and recommended to viewers interested in that region. If your account consistently posts about gourmet food, it'll accumulate related tags.

The more precise and abundant your content and account tags, the easier it becomes to match with the right audience. Hence, it's crucial to cultivate a distinct persona for your account.

Make Every View Count! Converting TikTok Traffic

On TikTok, every view is a golden opportunity. But how can you ensure these views translate into tangible outcomes like followers or sales?


Filter Traffic for Precision

The key to refining traffic lies in content optimization. For instance, if you're targeting Thai users, incorporate Thai language in your videos, focus on Thai culture, and use relevant keywords in your titles.

Preparing Conversion Paths in Advance

Before the traffic pours in, ensure you have a conversion path ready. This could be setting up a TikTok shop, establishing a store on another platform, or having product links at hand to embed in your videos. ChingPro, an AI agent tailored for creators, can automate the process of analyzing which products fit your short videos and even help source these products.

10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your TikTok Video Views

  1. Leverage the Right Tags
  2. Ride the Wave of Trending Sounds
  3. Craft Duet Videos
  4. Understand Your Audience Profile
  5. Pen Captivating Titles
  6. Promote Your TikTok Videos Across All Social Media
  7. Engage Viewers from the Get-Go
  8. Time Your Posts Right
  9. Prioritize Content Quality
  10. Post Regularly

If you find these tasks daunting, consider leveraging powerful AI tools like ChingPro. With its GPT4 capabilities, it can automatically analyze and diagnose your short videos, offering regular insights.


1. Leverage the Right Tags

Tags act as keywords on TikTok, making your videos discoverable to a broader audience. Ensure you use tags relevant to your video content. Incorporating trending and popular tags can also increase your video's visibility.

2. Ride the Wave of Trending Sounds

Music plays a pivotal role on TikTok. Incorporating trending tunes not only adds an element of fun to your videos but also attracts a larger viewership.

3. Craft Duet Videos

The Duet feature on TikTok allows users to create content alongside another creator's video. Both videos play side by side on split screens. Engaging in Duets with popular creators or fans can significantly boost your exposure.

4. Understand Your Audience Profile

Grasping your target audience is crucial. This means understanding their age, gender, interests, and behaviors. With this knowledge, you can tailor your content to better resonate with them.

5. Pen Captivating Titles

First impressions matter, and your video's title is often the first thing viewers see. An engaging title can pique users' curiosity, prompting them to click and watch your video.

6. Promote Your TikTok Videos Across All Social Media

Beyond TikTok, share your videos on other social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. This multi-platform approach can draw in a diverse audience.

7. Engage Viewers from the Get-Go

How do you ensure viewers watch your video till the end? Craft an engaging introduction. Use intriguing sound effects, visual elements, or suspenseful lines. Ensuring the first few seconds of your video are captivating can significantly improve completion rates.

8. Time Your Posts Right

Consider your audience's active hours when posting. Afternoons and evenings often see peak activity on TikTok.

9. Prioritize Content Quality

No matter how strategic you are, content remains paramount. Ensure your videos offer value and entertainment. Even when addressing serious topics, remember that TikTok is an entertainment platform.

10. Post Regularly

Consistency is key. Regular posts can help you establish a dedicated follower base. Don't shy away from experimenting with new content styles and formats. Continuous innovation and improvement are essential. Regular posts also help the TikTok recommendation system understand your content better, potentially leading to consistent traffic.


Achieving high view counts on TikTok isn't a walk in the park. However, by following the strategies outlined above, you can significantly enhance your video views. Remember, content is king. Ensure your videos are valuable, engaging, and resonate with your target audience. For more insights on TikTok strategies, don't forget to bookmark ChingPro's blog, where we consistently share in-depth articles on the platform.

James Anderson

About James Anderson

My journey began in brand marketing, where I collaborated with some of the biggest names out there. At ChingPro, I guide creators to understand and leverage brand collaborations. Let's make your brand partnerships count!